Opportunity Knocks is a comedy film released in 1990, directed by Donald Petrie. It stars Dana Carvey as Eddie, a con artist, and Robert Loggia as Harold, a loan shark who is after Eddie and his partner Lou (played by Todd Graff) for their debts. Eddie and Lou find refuge in the house of a wealthy businessman who is away on vacation, and begin to live a life of luxury. However, when the real housesitter cancels at the last minute, Eddie decides to pose as the housesitter to keep up the charade.

Things take a turn for the worse when the businessman's family arrives unexpectedly, and Eddie must keep up the pretence of being the housesitter while trying to steal a valuable stamp from the house. He also falls in love with one of the family members, Annie (played by Julia Campbell), adding a romantic subplot to the film.

Harold eventually catches up with Eddie and Lou, and they must come up with a plan to pay off their debts and escape his wrath. In a dramatic finale, Eddie and Harold have a confrontation, and Eddie manages to turn the tide in his favour through his quick thinking and cunning.

Opportunity Knocks was not a critical success, but Carvey's comedic performance and the film's light-hearted tone make it a fun watch for fans of 90s comedies.

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