Operation Petticoat is a 1959 war comedy film directed by Blake Edwards. The film stars Cary Grant as a World War II submarine commander, Lieutenant Commander Matt Sherman, tasked with rescuing the decapitated submarine called "Sea Tiger" from the Philippines after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Sherman finds himself stuck with a dilapidated sub and a con-man executive officer, Lieutenant Junior Grade Nick Holden (Tony Curtis), who constantly comes up with schemes to trade or scrounge items that will help fix the "Sea Tiger" and keep the military mission going.

Adding to the chaotic situation, Sherman's crew consists of a group of army nurses led by Lieutenant Barbara Duran (Dina Merrill). The only alternative to abandoning the sub is to put to sea for Australia. The problem is, the sub is only seaworthy to the point of submerging but not much else. However, with perseverance and resourcefulness, Sherman, Holden, and the crew manage to make the submarine operational, often through creative means, such as painting it pink by mixing red and white paints, thanks to a donation from a former Hollywood movie star.

As they sail across the Pacific, the crew encounters a series of adventures, including salvaging supplies from a stranded Japanese destroyer and rescuing a cat from a sinking boat. The film captures the humorous yet realistic portrayal of a sub crew's unique endeavors in the early days of the war.

Operation Petticoat showcases the camaraderie and resilience of a team working together to overcome the odds stacked against them. The film also explores the themes of leadership, innovation, and ingenuity in a time of war. With its blend of humor, action, and heart, Operation Petticoat remains a timeless classic and one of the most beloved comedies of the era.

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