Operation Christmas Drop is a romantic drama that centers around congressional aide Erica Miller, who is sent to a remote U.S. Air Force base in the tropical island of Guam. Her mission is to gather evidence to support the base's closure, which will result in the loss of jobs for its personnel.

Upon arrival, Erica meets the base's cheerful and generous captain, Andrew Jantz, who is leading the annual Operation Christmas Drop mission. This humanitarian operation involves dropping Christmas gifts by parachute to remote islands in the Pacific, where locals have no access to everyday necessities.

As Erica works to collect the evidence needed to shut down the base, she becomes more involved in the Christmas Drop mission and begins to see the impact it has on the local communities. She also starts to see Captain Jantz in a different light as she learns more about his dedication to his job and his kind-hearted nature.

Despite facing opposition and criticism from her colleagues, Erica decides to help the captain and his team complete the Christmas Drop mission. As she spends more time with Captain Jantz, the two get to know each other better and begin to develop feelings for each other.

As the mission comes to a close, Erica and Captian Jantz share a heartfelt goodbye, both knowing that their time together is limited. However, after returning to Washington, Erica realizes she can't bear to see the base shut down and spearheads a campaign to save it.

In the end, the base is saved and Erica returns to Guam, where she reunites with Captain Jantz and they begin a romantic relationship. The movie ends with the successful completion of another Operation Christmas Drop mission, serving as a reminder of the impact one small act of kindness can have on a community.

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