Only Lovers Left Alive is a romantic drama film directed by Jim Jarmusch and released in 2013. The film stars Tom Hiddleston as Adam, a reclusive musician who has been alive for centuries, and Tilda Swinton as Eve, his long-time lover who lives in Tangier. The film is set against the backdrop of a desolate and decaying Detroit, which serves as a metaphor for the decline of Western civilization.

As the film begins, Adam is feeling deeply depressed and disillusioned with the world. He spends his days holed up in his crumbling Detroit mansion, surrounded by vinyl records and ancient musical instruments. He is visited by his loyal friend and supplier, Ian, played by Anton Yelchin, who helps him acquire vintage instruments and other rare artifacts.

Despite his isolation, Adam is still deeply in love with Eve, and the two communicate regularly over Skype. When Eve senses Adam's depression, she decides to travel to Detroit to be with him. She arrives just as Adam is contemplating suicide, but her arrival brings a sense of hope and purpose back into his life.

However, their blissful reunion is soon disrupted by the arrival of Eve's younger sister, Ava, played by Mia Wasikowska. Ava is carefree and reckless, and her unpredictable behavior threatens to expose the existence of vampires to the outside world.

As the three lovers navigate their complicated relationships, they must also confront the challenges of living as immortal beings in a world that is constantly changing and decaying. Only Lovers Left Alive is a poignant and visually stunning film that explores themes of love, loss, and the ephemeral nature of human existence.

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