One Hour Photo is a 2002 psychological thriller directed by Mark Romanek. The movie stars Robin Williams in a dramatic role as Sy Parrish, a photo technician who becomes obsessed with the Yorkin family, consisting of husband Will, wife Nina, and son Jake. For years, Sy has developed their cherished family photos. He has even taken to creating a secret collection of pictures taken of them outside the store's regular development process.

As time progresses, the pressures of modern life push the Yorkins down a path that takes Nina beyond the love and attention of her husband. Consequently, Will starts an affair with a coworker, Maya Burson. Meanwhile, Sy is getting personal information about the family's dysfunctionality that is not visible through their pictures. He starts to insert himself into their lives and goes as far as developing pictures of Will and his mistress.

Driven by a desperate need for love and acceptance, Sy eventually creates a fantasy of being a part of the Yorkin family. He takes compromising photos of Will and Maya together to show to Nina, hoping to win her loyalty. As the film builds to its climax, Sy's actions draw increasing suspicion from the store's security guard, culminating in a tense confrontation between the two.

As the Yorkin family's problems escalate to a dangerous level and Sy's fantasy begins to disintegrate, the movie climaxes in a shocking twist ending. One Hour Photo is a film that delivers an unnerving and unflinching look at obsession and loneliness, with Robin Williams delivering a standout performance in a rare dramatic role.

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