The movie One Dark Night revolves around a group of teenage girls who are all members of a high school club called the Sisters. Julie, one of the girls, is tasked with spending the night alone in a crypt as part of her initiation into the club.

Meanwhile, a strange man named Karl Raymar dies and it is revealed that he had been experimenting with telekinesis in an attempt to become even more powerful in death. He is buried in the same crypt that Julie is spending the night in.

As the night progresses, strange and terrifying things start to happen. Julie hears strange noises and sees bizarre apparitions, all of which seem to be related to Raymar's presence in the crypt. Raymar's telekinetic powers begin to manifest themselves, causing objects to fly around the room and attacking the girls.

The other members of the Sisters eventually arrive at the crypt to try and save Julie, and they must use all their wits and courage to survive the night and defeat Raymar's evil spirit.

Overall, One Dark Night is a suspenseful and creepy horror movie that explores themes of death, the afterlife, and the power of the human mind. It is a must-watch for fans of the genre.

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