Once Upon a Snowman is a 2020 animated short film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios. The film is a spin-off of the Disney animated feature film, Frozen, and focuses on the origins and early character development of an important secondary character from that film: Olaf the snowman.

In Once Upon a Snowman, we see Olaf come to life for the very first time. Alone and confused, he wanders through the snowy mountains outside of Arendelle in search of his identity. Along the way, he tries to make sense of the world around him and figure out what his purpose in life might be.

As Olaf navigates his new surroundings, he meets various creatures, both friendly and dangerous. He also has a few run-ins with Elsa's magical powers, which cause him to question his existence even further. With the help of a few new friends and some sage advice, Olaf eventually finds his way back to Arendelle, where he becomes the lovable, quirky snowman we know and love from Frozen.

Overall, Once Upon a Snowman provides a charming and heartwarming look at Olaf's early days, offering fans of the Frozen franchise a deeper understanding and appreciation of this beloved character.

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