On the Rocks is a 2020 comedy-drama film directed by Sofia Coppola. The film stars Rashida Jones as Laura, a New York mother who is feeling unsure about her marriage to Dean (played by Marlon Wayans). Laura's father, Felix (played by Bill Murray), is a larger-than-life playboy who encourages her to investigate her suspicions that her husband is having an affair.

Laura reluctantly agrees to the plan, and the two embark on a series of stakeouts and adventures around New York City. As they spend more time together, Laura begins to understand her father and their relationship deepens.

As they follow Dean's movements, Laura begins to see him in a new light and ultimately realizes that her doubts were unfounded. The film explores themes of love, family, and trust, and features stunning visuals of New York City.

Overall, On the Rocks is a charming and thoughtful film with strong performances from Jones and Murray. It is a poignant look at the complexities of modern relationships and family dynamics.

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