On the Record is a documentary film that revolves around the story of Drew Dixon, a former music executive, who came forward with claims of sexual assault by hip-hop mogul Russell Simmons. Drew Dixon was one of the few women of color to come forward and bring down one of the most influential figures in the music industry.

The documentary delves into the experiences of Drew Dixon, who was working with Russell Simmons' Def Jam Records in the 1990s, when she accused him of rape. She was one of the first women to bring forth allegations against Russell Simmons in the wake of the #MeToo movement. The film explores the emotional toll that sexual assault takes on survivors, as well as the societal and cultural systems that perpetuate sexual violence.

The film is a powerful examination of the intersectionality of race, gender, power, and abuse. It features interviews with other survivors of sexual abuse, including Sherri Hines, Sil Lai Abrams, and Jenny Lumet. It also includes conversations with activists, scholars, and cultural critics such as Kimberlé Crenshaw, Joan Morgan, and Tarana Burke, the founder of the #MeToo movement.

On the Record is a candid and poignant exploration of what it means to speak out against powerful figures in the entertainment industry, particularly as a woman of color. It calls for systemic change and accountability for those who perpetrate abuse, and offers support and healing for those who have survived it.

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