Okko's Inn

Animation  Japan 

Okko's Inn is a 2018 Japanese animated film directed by Kitaro Kosaka and produced by Madhouse. The film is based on the children's novel series by Hiroko Reijō, which follows the life of 12-year-old Oriko Seki, who finds herself living in her grandmother's Onsen Ryokan after the tragic death of her parents in a car accident. Oriko is accompanied by a mischievous and playful ghost named Uribou. Together, they navigate the challenges and rewards of living in a traditional Japanese inn and the demands of taking on the role of a young innkeeper.

Throughout the film, Oriko meets a variety of characters in the ryokan, including a young boy named Makoto who eventually becomes her friend and helps her in her daily tasks. The film also explores themes of loss, grief, and resilience as Oriko comes to terms with the loss of her parents and learns to grow and mature as a young woman.

As the story progresses, Oriko becomes more comfortable with her role as an innkeeper and begins to cherish the connections she has made with the guests of the ryokan. When a series of supernatural events occur at the inn, Oriko must use her newfound strength and courage to solve the mystery and protect those she cares about.

Overall, Okko's Inn is a heartwarming and charming animated film that celebrates the beauty and traditions of Japanese culture while also sharing a message of perseverance and friendship. It is a delightful movie for viewers of all ages to enjoy.

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