Offside: The Harold Ballard Story follows the rise and fall of notorious Toronto Maple Leafs owner Harold Ballard. The film takes us through his early life as a successful car dealer, to becoming the majority owner of the Leafs in the late 1960s.

Ballard quickly becomes a beloved figure in Toronto, known for his outlandish personality and grand gestures, such as installing a live lion at Maple Leaf Gardens. However, as he gains more power over the team and its finances, his greed and corruption become more apparent.

We see Ballard misuse team funds, embezzle money, and make shady deals with politicians and criminals. He also treats players and fans poorly, often making decisions for personal gain rather than the benefit of the team.

The film culminates in Ballard's downfall, as he is arrested for tax evasion and faces public backlash. The once-beloved showman is revealed to be a deeply flawed and corrupt individual, and the film leaves us to question the effects of unchecked greed and power in sports and society as a whole.

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