Office Space is a 1999 comedy film directed by Mike Judge. The film revolves around three office workers named Peter Gibbons, Samir Nagheenanajar, and Michael Bolton who are frustrated with their jobs and their insensitive and tyrannical bosses at a software company called Initech.

Peter, the main protagonist, is stuck in a dead-end job and suffers from severe boredom and lack of motivation. He seeks the help of a hypnotherapist who puts him in a trance and dies before he could snap out of it. This results in Peter's newfound carefree attitude that catches the eye of his employers, who mistake his lack of dedication for an improved work ethic.

Meanwhile, Samir and Michael are dealing with their own frustrations. Samir is fed up with constantly being mistaken for a terrorist because of his Middle Eastern name while Michael suffers from having to share his name with the famous singer, Michael Bolton.

The trio hatches a plan to embezzle money from their employer's accounts and flee to Mexico. However, their lack of knowledge on how to execute their plan combined with their incompetence and bad luck makes the plan ultimately backfire.

The film is known for its satirical take on the corporate culture of the late 90s, particularly the mundanity and absurdity of office life, as well as the rise of technology, and the disconnect between management and workers. It has since gained a cult following and has become a cultural touchstone of the era.

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