Of Mice and Men is a classic American novel by John Steinbeck that was adapted into a film directed by Gary Sinise in 1992. The story follows two friends, George Milton and Lennie Small, who are migrant workers during the Great Depression in California. George is a small, wiry man who looks out for Lennie, a gentle but dim-witted giant of a man with great physical strength but limited mental capacity.

The two drifters travel together and work various jobs to save up enough money to buy their own piece of land, where they can live off the fruits of their labor and tend to their own rabbits. However, their plans are complicated by Lennie's childlike nature and inability to remember instructions, which often results in him causing trouble or unintentionally hurting others.

As they work on a ranch, George and Lennie meet other workers, including Slim, the skilled mule driver who becomes a friend to both of them, Candy, an old swamper who shares their dream of owning land, and Curley, the boss's son who is jealous and aggressive towards Lennie.

The tension between Curley and Lennie reaches a breaking point when Lennie accidentally kills Curley's wife, a young woman who flirted with him and got caught in his strength. George is forced to make a difficult decision about how to handle the situation, ultimately choosing to put Lennie out of his misery before the other workers can catch him.

The story of George and Lennie is a poignant exploration of the American Dream, friendship, and the hardships faced by those who struggled through the Great Depression. The film adaptation stays true to the novel, featuring powerful performances by Gary Sinise as George and John Malkovich as Lennie, and capturing the natural beauty and harsh realities of life in rural California at the time.

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