Odd Girl Out is a 2005 made-for-television movie that explores the devastating effects of bullying and emotional abuse on teenage girls. The story revolves around a 15-year-old girl named Vanessa Snyder (Alexa Vega) who is ostracized by her former friend circle after she tries to stand up against their bullying tactics. Her former best friend, Stacey (Leah Pipes), leads the pack of girls who exclude and harass Vanessa, spreading rumors and lies about her.

Vanessa's mother (Lisa Vidal) knows something is wrong but her daughter refuses to confide in her initially. As the bullying becomes more intense, Vanessa begins to self-harm and considers suicide. Her mother finally learns the extent of the bullying after Vanessa's suicide attempt and takes action to help her daughter.

Odd Girl Out shows the cruel hierarchy of social groups in high school and how girls can use exclusion, gossip, and emotional manipulation to control and humiliate others. The movie aims to raise awareness of the negative impact of bullying and empower girls to stand up against it. It was praised for its realistic portrayal of the emotional impact of bullying and for highlighting the need for parents and educators to recognize and address the issue.

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