Obvious Child is a romantic comedy-drama film that follows the story of Donna Stern, a struggling stand-up comedian who performs at a small Brooklyn club. After breaking up with her boyfriend, Donna has a one-night stand with Max, a graduate student who is studying to be a mathematician. Donna becomes pregnant as a result of the fling, and the film follows her decision to have an abortion.

Throughout the movie, Donna navigates the challenges of adulthood and confronts the consequences of her actions. She struggles with financial insecurity, the pressure to conform to traditional societal norms, and the fear of disappointing her family and friends.

The film explores themes such as female autonomy, social responsibility, and reproductive rights, and it tackles these issues with a nuanced and empathetic approach. It also features standout performances from the film's lead actors, Jenny Slate and Gaby Hoffmann, who bring depth and nuance to their characters.

Overall, Obvious Child is a heartfelt and thought-provoking film that deserves recognition for its bold and honest portrayal of a difficult topic.

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