Nurse Betty is a dark comedy film that follows the story of Betty Sizemore, a waitress who is obsessed with a daytime soap opera called A Reason to Love. Betty is in an abusive marriage with her sleazy husband Del, who doesn't treat her well. Her only escape from reality is watching her favorite soap opera, where she fantasizes about the show's handsome lead actor, Dr. David Ravell.

One day, Betty witnesses a brutal murder at the restaurant where she works, performed by two hitmen, Charlie and Wesley. The shock of the incident triggers a psychological breakdown in Betty, causing her to believe that she is a character in A Reason to Love. She develops a delusional state, where she believes that she is engaged to Dr. Ravell and decides to travel to Los Angeles to find him and start a new life with him.

Meanwhile, Charlie and Wesley are on the run from the police, and they believe that they were seen by the witness, Betty. They chase after her to recover their lost trophy, a drug-filled suitcase they dropped at the crime scene. Betty, still in her delusional state, is unaware of the danger she is in and continues her pursuit of Dr. Ravell.

As the story unfolds, Betty's delusions start slipping away, and she begins to realize that her fantasies are not real. She is faced with her traumatic past and begins to take control of her life, empowering her to face her fears. The film ends with Betty confronting Charlie and Wesley, leading to a finale that is both comical and satisfying.

Nurse Betty explores themes of trauma, delusion, and self-empowerment, in a quirky and entertaining manner. It boasts strong performances from the cast, including Renee Zellweger, who received critical acclaim for her portrayal of Betty, and Morgan Freeman, who plays the hitman, Charlie. The film was directed by Neil LaBute and was released in 2000 to positive reviews and commercial success.

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