Nothing Is Truer than Truth is a compelling documentary that sheds light on the longstanding debate surrounding the true identity of William Shakespeare. The film takes the audience on a journey through the life of Edward de Vere, the seventeenth Earl of Oxford, who is widely believed by some scholars to be the true author of the Shakespeare plays.

The documentary provides an in-depth exploration of De Vere's life and travels, delving into his fascination with commedia dell'arte and his extensive knowledge of the Italian language and culture. The film is shot on location in Venice, Verona, Mantua, Padua, and Brenta, offering a stunning visual backdrop to accompany the story.

The film is supported by a selection of renowned Shakespeare scholars, actors, and directors, each of whom lend their expertise and insight to the discussion. Sir Derek Jacobi, Mark Rylance, Tina Packer, and Diane Paulus are just a few of the famous faces who appear on screen to share their thoughts on the authorship of the Shakespeare plays and the possibility of De Vere's involvement.

The documentary presents a compelling argument for why De Vere might have used the pseudonym Shake-speare, and highlights the controversial nature of his bisexuality, which may have been a factor in his decision to conceal his identity. Nothing Is Truer than Truth is a thought-provoking and visually stunning film that sheds new light on the mysterious world of Shakespeare authorship.

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