The movie follows the lives of several characters as they navigate their way through Christmas Eve in New York City. Rose Collins, a lonely divorcee, spends the night at her mother's bedside in the hospital, hoping for a miracle that will improve her mother's health. In the hospital, she meets Jules, a cheerful orderly who has chosen to spend the night in the hospital where he spent the best Christmas of his life as a teenager.

Meanwhile, Nina Vasquez has broken her engagement with her fiancé Mike due to his jealousy. She misses him, but is determined to stay strong. Mike, however, is being stalked by a stranger, Artie Venzuela, who seems to be following him everywhere he goes.

As the night progresses, the lives of these characters intertwine, as they all seek hope, love, and companionship on this magical night. Rose finds herself drawn to Jules, who brings a ray of sunshine and hope into her life. Nina begins to question her decision to break up with Mike, while Mike struggles to shake off Artie's unwanted attention.

As the clock strikes midnight and Christmas Day begins, this group of strangers come together to celebrate the magic of the holiday season and find hope in the promise of a new day.

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