No One Lives is a horror-thriller film directed by Ryuhei Kitamura and written by David Cohen. The film follows a gang of ruthless highway killers who come across a wealthy couple traveling cross country. They eventually kidnap the couple, but they soon discover that things are not what they seem.

The couple they have kidnapped is actually a former criminal and his girlfriend, who are in the midst of a heist. They were planning on stealing a large sum of money from a local gang and fleeing the country. However, the gang tracked them down and attacked their car, mistakenly thinking that they had the money with them.

The gang now has the couple in their grasp, but they soon realize that they are dealing with a dangerous individual who is not what he seems. The former criminal has a dark secret and a vengeful streak, and he is willing to do whatever it takes to get back what was stolen from him.

As the gang begins to fall apart from infighting, the former criminal takes advantage of their weaknesses and starts to turn the tables on them. The film is a twisted tale of revenge and survival, with plenty of blood and gore along the way.

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