No Accident follows the civil lawsuit filed on behalf of several individuals who were injured while peacefully protesting against a white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia in 2017. The lawsuit targets the leaders and organizations that planned and promoted the rally, including Richard Spencer, Jason Kessler, and the Nationalist Front.

As the trial unfolds, the film reveals a broad network of conspirators who organized the rally with the explicit intention of inciting violence and promoting their white nationalist agenda. The plaintiffs, including Heather Heyer's mother Susan Bro, recount their experiences of being attacked and threatened by white nationalists, neo-Nazis, and members of the alt-right movement.

The film also focuses on the challenges of holding these leaders and organizations accountable for their actions. The defendants are represented by high-profile lawyers, and the plaintiffs face numerous obstacles in their quest for justice.

Through interviews with attorneys, activists, experts, and witnesses, No Accident explores the legal, social, and political implications of the Charlottesville rally and its aftermath. The film serves as both a warning about the dangers of hate groups and a tribute to those who stood up against them.

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