The novel and movie version of Nineteen Eighty-Four, also known as 1984, depicts a dystopian society where citizens are heavily monitored and controlled by the government. The main character, Winston Smith, works for the government as a historical revisionist, where he alters past events to match the current government's propaganda. Winston secretly despises the state and wishes to rebel against its oppressive measures.

Through his work, Winston meets a woman named Julia, and they begin a secret love affair. However, their relationship is discovered by the government, which punishes them severely. Winston is forced to undergo torture and brainwashing to make him conform to the government's ideology, and Julia betrays him to save herself.

Throughout the novel and movie, George Orwell portrays themes such as the dangers of totalitarianism, the importance of individualism, and the need for rebellion against oppressive regimes. The novel has become a cultural classic and is often referenced in popular culture.

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