The movie Nine Days follows the story of Will (played by Winston Duke), a man who lives alone in an isolated house in the middle of a desert. Will's job is to select which souls get to be born into the world and live their lives. He conducts a series of interviews with these souls, testing their emotional and intellectual abilities, as well as their morality, before he chooses the ones that get to continue on with the journey of life.

The film starts when a new soul arrives, named Emma (played by Zazie Beetz), who shakes up Will's world and leaves him questioning his own existence. As Will observes Emma's journey, he begins to doubt his own decisions and the purpose of his own existence, as he grapples with his own past traumas and regrets.

Throughout the film, Will conducts interviews with a handful of souls, including Kane (played by Bill Skarsgård), who Will is drawn to because of his artistic and creative qualities, and Mike (played by David Rysdahl), who ultimately ends up being chosen to be born. As Will continues his interviews, he realizes that his job is not just to select the best souls for birth, but to also help them find their own purpose and meaning in life.

Nine Days is a thought-provoking and philosophical film about the meaning of life and the choices we make. It premiered at the Sundance Film Festival in 2020 and was directed by Edson Oda.

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