Nimic is a 12-minute short film by acclaimed director Yorgos Lanthimos. The story revolves around a professional cellist named Peter, who encounters a mysterious woman on the subway. The woman seems to be interested in Peter’s cello and strikes up a conversation with him. They exchange information, and the woman eagerly takes down Peter's phone number.

On the surface, the conversation appears harmless, and Peter doesn't think much of it. However, in the days that follow, strange and unexpected things start happening in Peter's life. He starts seeing the same woman everywhere he goes and begins experiencing strange and bizarre situations, like being trapped in a box or observing himself from a distance. The events become increasingly surreal and disorienting, making Peter question his sanity.

As we learn more about Peter and his life, we begin to unravel the deeper implications of his encounter with the woman. Nimic's themes of identity, memory, and truth are expertly woven into a taut narrative that keeps the audience guessing until the very end.

The film has been praised for Lanthimos's directorial vision, which brings the mundane world of the subway to life with creative visual flourishes. It also features a standout performance from Matt Dillon as Peter, who navigates the intricate emotional landscape of the film with skill and nuance.

Nimic is a must-watch for fans of Lanthimos's work and anyone who enjoys thought-provoking and unconventional storytelling. Despite its short runtime, the film lingers long in the mind, leaving viewers with more questions than answers about the nature of reality and the power of chance encounters to change our lives.

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