Nightride is a fast-paced, gritty thriller that takes place within the span of about an hour, making it a single-shot film. The story centers around Budge, a small-time drug dealer who is desperate to make one last deal to pay off a debt to a ruthless loan shark named Ditch. Budge has borrowed a large sum of cash from Ditch to buy a shipment of drugs and needs to make the sale quickly in order to avoid deadly consequences.

The film begins as Budge drives through the dark, seedy streets of the city, with his friend and partner in crime, the rambunctious Cam. As Budge navigates through the night, his nerves are frayed and he struggles to keep his cool in the face of mounting pressure. With each turn and twist in the road, the stakes get higher as Budge realizes that he has been set up and his plan has gone horribly awry.

Budge's mission becomes a race against time to recover the stolen drugs and find a new buyer before Ditch catches up to him. As the minutes tick by, Budge must negotiate his way through a dangerous network of dealers and criminals while trying to avoid detection and stay alive.

The urgency of Budge's situation is heightened by the fact that the entire movie is shot in a single continuous take, which adds to the intensity of the action and keeps the viewer on edge throughout. With its gritty realism, suspenseful pacing, and high stakes, Nightride is a thriller that will leave audiences breathless from start to finish.

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