Night Walk is a crime thriller film that follows the story of Frank, an American atheist who falls in love with a young Arab woman named Sarah. As Frank proposes to Sarah in her hometown, corrupt Islamic police seize them, demanding bribes to release them. When Frank refuses to pay, they kill Sarah and frame Frank for her murder.

Deported back to the United States, Frank is sent to jail, where he becomes friends with Ayman, a moderate Muslim who helps him on his spiritual journey. Meanwhile, Frank faces danger in prison when he learns that his co-worker was killed for nosing in the judge's illegal business.

Desperate to prove his innocence, Frank hatches a plan to escape from prison and seek revenge on the judge responsible for his wrongful imprisonment. With the help of Ayman and other prisoners, Frank sets out on a dangerous mission that leads him to confront his past mistakes and the corrupt justice system that put him behind bars.

In Night Walk, director Aziz Tazi brings together an international cast, including Mickey Rourke, Sean Stone, Eric Roberts, and Sienna Guillory. With a gripping storyline that tackles themes of corruption, justice, and redemption, Night Walk is a powerful and thought-provoking film that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats from start to finish.

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