Night Sights follows the story of William and Sarah who are devastated after the loss of their son. One night while driving through the countryside, they come across a strange and mysterious man named Sylar who tells them that their son's soul is trapped in Purgatory and only a group of people known as the "Collectors" can help him move on to the next world.

The Collectors are a secret society who have dedicated their lives to guiding the souls of the dead to their final resting places. They are led by the enigmatic leader known as "The Shepherd", who is said to have supernatural powers.

William and Sarah agree to join the Collectors, hoping to reunite with their son's soul. However, as they delve deeper into the world of the Collectors, they uncover dark secrets and hidden agendas that threaten to tear them apart.

As they navigate the dangerous and mysterious world of the Collectors, William and Sarah must confront their own grief and learn to let go of their son, while also facing their own mortality and the ultimate fate of their own souls.

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