Night of the Kings is a French-Ivorian film directed by Philippe Lacôte. The film takes place in the infamous MACA prison located in Abidjan, Ivory Coast, where the aging and ailing prison gang leader, Black Beard, is on his deathbed. In an effort to maintain power and authority over the other inmates, Black Beard begins a ritual known as "the story" where he forces a new prisoner to tell stories all night long.

The lucky or rather unlucky prisoner chosen to tell stories on this particular night is a young and timid pickpocket known as Roman. As the night wears on, Roman is coerced by Black Beard and the other inmates into telling the story of the mythical Zama King. The story of the Zama King is a local legend in the Ivory Coast, known by many but never fully understood.

As Roman tells the story of the Zama King, the other prisoners become more and more captivated by his tale. The story of the Zama King is a haunting and mystical one, full of magic, love, and betrayal. As the night progresses, both the story and reality begin to blur, until it is difficult to distinguish between what is fact and what is fiction.

As Roman's story reaches its climax, the power dynamics within the prison begin to shift, and the inmates become increasingly restless. Night of the Kings is a beautiful and powerful film that explores themes of power, storytelling, and the complexities of human nature. The film was well-received upon its release, with many praising its cinematography, script, and acting performances.

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