Night of the Demons is a horror film directed by Kevin Tenney and released in 1988. The film opens with Angela, played by Amelia Kinkade, inviting her friends to a Halloween party at the Broussard Mansion, an abandoned house on the outskirts of New Orleans. The guests arrive, including Sal, Roger, Helen, Stooge, Judy, Jay, Suzanne, and Frannie. Once inside, they begin to party and explore the mansion's hidden rooms and secret passages.

However, their party is soon interrupted by the police, who arrive to shut down the festivities. As the guests are leaving, Angela convinces a small group of them, including Maddie, to stay behind and continue the party. As the night wears on, strange things begin to happen in the mansion. Doors slam shut, objects move on their own, and a mysterious fog envelopes the house.

As the group gathers together, they begin to hear noises coming from the basement. They soon discover a hidden room, filled with artifacts and an old mirror. Angela insists on performing a seance, and as the group gathers around the mirror, they summon a demonic entity. The demon possesses Angela, and she transforms into a monstrous being, attacking her friends and infecting them with evil.

The remaining guests are trapped inside the mansion gates, and the demonic entities begin to take over their bodies. The group tries to fight back, but one by one, they fall victim to the creatures. Finally, Maddie and a few survivors are able to escape the mansion, but not before a shocking revelation is revealed about one of their friends.

Night of the Demons is a classic horror film that combines elements of the supernatural with slasher movie tropes. The film's practical effects and makeup work are especially impressive, and the demonic creatures are truly terrifying. The movie has since become a cult classic, spawning multiple sequels and remakes.

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