Night Drive is a 2021 comedy-thriller movie directed by Brad Baruh and written by Meghan Leon. The film follows Russell, a rideshare driver, who picks up Charlotte, an enigmatic and adventurous young woman on a quiet evening. The pair quickly hit it off, and their shared sense of humor and adventure leads them on a night drive that takes a sudden turn when they hit a pedestrian with the car.

The incident sends Russell and Charlotte into a panic, but they decide to handle the situation themselves instead of calling the police. As the night progresses, their adventure spirals out of control as they try to cover up the accident and avoid the dangerous consequences that come with it. They encounter a cast of eccentric characters, including a drug dealer, a hitman, and a vigilante, all while trying to stick together and survive the night.

The chemistry between Russell and Charlotte is at the heart of the film, with the two lead actors, AJ Bowen and Sophie Dalah, delivering excellent performances. The interaction between the characters is witty, funny, and entertaining, providing a sense of levity to the tense situation they find themselves in.

Night Drive is a darkly comedic tale of two strangers who must rely on each other to survive a wild and unpredictable night, and it's a fun and thrilling ride from start to finish.

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