Night Crossing is a 1982 drama film directed by Delbert Mann and starring John Hurt, Beau Bridges, and Jane Alexander. The film is based on the real-life story of two families who attempt to escape from communist East Germany in September 1979 by constructing a homemade hot-air balloon.

The film follows the experiences of the Strelzyk and Wetzel families, who live in East Germany during the height of the Cold War. The Strelzyks, Peter and Doris, are determined to escape to the West with their two children, but they know that they cannot do it alone. They enlist the help of their friends and neighbors, the Wetzels, and the two families begin constructing a hot-air balloon in secret.

The process of building the balloon is fraught with tension, as the families must avoid arousing the suspicion of the authorities. They struggle to obtain the materials they need without being detected and work late into the night to assemble the balloon in a barn on the Strelzyks' property.

As the day of the planned escape approaches, the families face a number of setbacks and challenges, including a sudden change in the weather and the discovery of their balloon by a young boy. Eventually, however, they manage to inflate the balloon and make their ascent into the night sky, evading the East German border guards and making a dramatic landing across the border in Bavaria.

The film received positive reviews upon its release and was praised for its depiction of the difficult and dangerous process of escaping from East Germany. It was also noted for its strong performances by the three leads, as well as its effective use of suspense and tension throughout the story.

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