Nick of Time is a thriller film released in 1995, directed by John Badham. The movie is set in Los Angeles, where Johnny Depp plays Gene Watson, a mild-mannered accountant and a father of a six-year-old daughter named Lynn. While taking a train to Los Angeles, Gene is approached by a woman named Ms. Jones (played by Roma Maffia), who informs him that his daughter has been kidnapped and he needs to assassinate the governor of California within the next 75 minutes, or his daughter will be killed.

Gene is given a gun and a picture of the governor and forced to carry out the assassination. However, he is hesitant to comply, and during his mission, he meets a sympathetic stranger named Krista (played by Courtney Chase), who helps him figure out how to outsmart his deadly captors. Along the way, Gene faces various obstacles, including an encounter with a ruthless hitman played by Christopher Walken.

Nick of Time is a fast-paced action thriller that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. The film's plot is structured like a real-time game, with each minute counting down as Gene inches closer to his daughter's rescue. The film's climax is an explosive showdown that pits Gene against his captors, culminating in a thrilling and satisfying conclusion that will leave you gasping.

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