In the movie Next, Cris Johnson, played by Nicolas Cage, is a psychic who can see two minutes into the future, allowing him to avoid danger and manipulate people. However, his gift has also made him a target for various agencies, including the FBI and a group of terrorists who plan to detonate a nuclear bomb in Los Angeles.

Agent Callie Ferris, played by Julianne Moore, is tasked with hunting down Cris and convincing him to help them find the bomb before it's too late. However, Johnson is reluctant to help, as he fears that his powers will only draw more attention and put him in danger.

As Ferris grows more desperate, she resorts to kidnapping Cris' girlfriend Liz, played by Jessica Biel, to force him to cooperate. With time running out and the threat of the bomb looming, Cris must use his powers to outwit both the terrorists and the government agents who are pursuing him.

The film features several action-packed sequences, including a thrilling high-speed car chase and a tense showdown at the terrorist's hideout. Next also explores themes of fate, free will, and the consequences of having extraordinary abilities.

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