Next Gen is an animated science-fiction movie that revolves around the story of Mai, a young girl struggling with the loss of her father and her feeling of loneliness in the world. She forms an unlikely friendship with a top-secret robot named 7723, designed to be the ultimate weapon and programmed with human-like emotions.

The two of them embark on a thrilling adventure together, taking on bullies, evil robots, and a scheming madman who seeks to control the world. Through their journey, Mai learns to overcome her fears and finds the courage to stand up for herself and those she cares about.

The movie is set in a futuristic society where advanced technology dominates daily life, and the potential for automation and artificial intelligence is ever-increasing. Next Gen touches on themes of identity, friendship, loss, and the impact of technology on our relationships with one another.

The film was directed by Kevin R. Adams and Joe Ksander, with a screenplay by Wang Nima, Ryan W. Smith, and Terry Bisson. It features a star-studded voice cast, including John Krasinski, Charlyne Yi, Constance Wu, and Jason Sudeikis.

Next Gen was released on Netflix in September 2018 and garnered positive reviews for its heartfelt story, stunning animation, and strong themes. It has since become a cult classic and a beloved film for many fans of the sci-fi genre.

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