New Town Killers is a 2008 British thriller film directed by Richard Jobson. The film follows Denny, a young woman who is repeatedly abandoned by her abusive boyfriend Chip. After being left alone in the city, she meets two young men, nerdy Charles and mysterious Kaz.

Denny agrees to take part in a dangerous game of cat and mouse with the two men, where she must evade capture for 12 hours to win a large sum of money. However, as the game progresses, it becomes clear that Kaz has a dangerous and violent alter-ego that emerges when he becomes sexually aroused.

As Denny struggles to survive the night, she must also confront her own demons and the consequences of her past choices. The film explores themes of abuse, trauma, and the ways in which people are pushed to the limits of their moral and ethical boundaries.

New Town Killers features powerful performances from its cast, including Richard Jobson's daughter, actress and model Kirsty Mitchell, who portrays Denny. The film received mixed reviews upon its release but is considered a compelling and intense thriller that explores dark and complex themes.

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