New Jack City is a crime drama film released in 1991. The film revolves around the rise and fall of a drug lord named Nino Brown (played by Wesley Snipes) and his drug empire called the Cash Money Brothers. Nino and his gang sell crack cocaine and control an entire neighborhood in New York City. They make millions of dollars every week by selling drugs to addicts who can't get enough of their product.

The film's main protagonist is a cop named Scotty Appleton (played by rapper Ice-T). Scotty is determined to bring down Nino and his gang, but he realizes that the only way to infiltrate their organization is to become a dealer himself. He goes undercover and manages to gain Nino's trust by posing as a drug dealer.

As Scotty spends more time with the gang, he realizes that their criminal activities are much more extensive than he initially thought. Nino and his crew are involved in everything from murder to arms dealing. Scotty is horrified by their brutality and decides to take them down at all costs.

New Jack City was a critical and commercial success upon its release. The film received numerous accolades for its portrayal of the crack epidemic in America and its impact on urban communities. It has since become a cult classic and is regarded as one of the best crime films of the 1990s.

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