Never Rarely Sometimes Always is a 2020 drama film directed by Eliza Hittman. The movie follows two teenage girls, Autumn and Skylar who live in rural Pennsylvania. Autumn, the protagonist, discovers that she's pregnant and decides to seek out an abortion. However, due to Pennsylvania's restrictive abortion laws, the two girls travel to New York City to get the procedure done.

The movie depicts the difficulties that the two girls face as they try to navigate the complex and often confusing healthcare system to get the care that they need. It also highlights the emotional and financial toll that unintended pregnancies can have on young women and their families.

Throughout the movie, the two girls encounter various challenges as they try to obtain the necessary funds and appointments for the abortion. They also face harassment and judgment from anti-abortion protestors. The title of the movie, "Never Rarely Sometimes Always," refers to a survey of traumatic experiences that Autumn is asked to complete during her appointment at the abortion clinic.

The film has been praised for its realistic and sensitive portrayal of a difficult subject matter and its empathetic treatment of its characters. It was nominated for several awards, including the Golden Bear at the 70th Berlin International Film Festival, and the Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival. It won the Silver Bear for Best Director at the Berlin Film Festival.

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