Neon Days is a drama film that follows the story of Quinn, a young man struggling to find direction and purpose in his life. After a series of failed relationships and dead-end jobs, Quinn decides to seek help from a therapist to understand why he feels stuck and unfulfilled.

Through a series of therapy sessions, Quinn begins to explore his past traumas, including his troubled relationship with his estranged father and the death of his mother. As Quinn begins to confront his emotional pain, he also learns to better understand and communicate his feelings with others.

As the therapy progresses, Quinn begins to see the world and his future in a different light. He starts to take more risks and pursues his dreams of becoming a musician. Along the way, Quinn also reconnects with his father and learns to forgive him for past mistakes.

The film portrays the transformative power of therapy and the importance of facing one's emotions and past to move forward in life. It emphasizes the idea that change and growth are possible with the right guidance and mindset. The film stars Ryder Lerum as Quinn, alongside other notable actors including Rachel Clark, Yuval Boim, and Meg Smith.

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