Naruto, Kakashi, Sakura, and Rock Lee are initially reluctant to take on the task of protecting Michiru and Hikaru due to their attitudes and behavior. However, they ultimately agree to the mission and accompany the prince and his younger brother on their trip.

During the journey, the group faces several challenges, including attacks from bandits and a dangerous ninja clan. They also discover a plot to overthrow the government of the Land of the Moon and must work to protect Michiru and prevent the coup.

As they spend more time with Michiru and Hikaru, Naruto and his team begin to understand the source of their materialistic views and come to empathize with them. They also learn about the brothers' tragic past and the burden of their royal responsibilities.

In the end, Naruto and his team successfully protect the prince and prevent the coup, earning the gratitude of Michiru and the Land of the Moon. The experience also teaches them valuable lessons about empathy, responsibility, and the importance of protecting those in need.

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