Narc is a crime thriller movie directed by Joe Carnahan and released in 2002. The film stars Jason Patric as Nick Tellis, an ex-cop who is reluctantly recruited by the Detroit Police Department to investigate the death of an undercover officer named Michael Calvess, who was killed while trying to bust a drug dealing gang led by a notorious dealer known as "The Greek."

Tellis is partnered with Henry Oak, portrayed by Ray Liotta, who is a veteran detective with a reputation for being a loose cannon. Oak was a close friend of Calvess and is personally invested in finding his friend's killer. Tellis and Oak soon realize that the case is much more complex than they had anticipated. They discover that Calvess's murder is linked to a web of corruption within the police department, and they face resistance from both their fellow officers and the criminals they are trying to catch.

As the investigation progresses, Tellis and Oak encounter a series of roadblocks and setbacks. Witnesses and informants who could provide crucial information are either unwilling or unable to talk. Meanwhile, the relentless pressure from internal affairs intensifies, threatening to derail the entire investigation. Despite the obstacles, Tellis and Oak refuse to give up, and they eventually uncover a shocking truth about Calvess's death that leads to a dangerous confrontation with The Greek.

Narc received critical acclaim for its intense, gritty atmosphere, strong performances from its lead actors, and its skillful direction. The movie was nominated for a Grand Jury Prize at the Sundance Film Festival and won the Best Screenplay Award at the San Diego Film Critics Society Awards.

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