Mysterious Skin is a 2004 drama film based on the novel of the same name by Scott Heim. Directed by Gregg Araki, the film tells the story of two young men who experienced sexual abuse as children. One of them is Neil McCormick, a teenage hustler played by Joseph Gordon-Levitt, who copes with his trauma by engaging in risky sexual behavior. The other is Brian Lackey, played by Brady Corbet, who has repressed his memories of the abuse and becomes obsessed with the idea that he was abducted by aliens.

As the two protagonists cross paths, their stories converge and they begin to unravel the truth about their pasts. Through flashbacks, we see how the boys were abused by their baseball coach, and how their lives were forever changed by the traumatic experiences. Neil's promiscuity leads him to dangerous situations, but also provides him with a sense of control over his body and his life. Brian, on the other hand, is haunted by his missing memories and becomes increasingly paranoid about the possibility of alien abduction.

As the film progresses, Neil and Brian's stories intersect, leading to a climactic scene where they confront their abuser and face the truth about their pasts. Mysterious Skin is a powerful and emotionally charged film that deals with difficult subject matter in a sensitive and nuanced way. It offers a poignant exploration of trauma, memory and the complexity of human sexuality.

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