"My Spy" is a 2020 action-comedy directed by Peter Segal. The story follows JJ, a CIA operative who fails to complete his mission to locate and steal a suitcase bomb from terrorists. After being reprimanded by his boss, JJ is given a chance to redeem himself by going undercover to surveil a family in Chicago which includes a young girl named Sophie (Chloe Coleman) and her mother Kate (Parisa Fitz-Henley).

JJ and his tech-genius colleague Bobbi (Kristen Schaal) move into the apartment directly across from Sophie's family and begin their surveillance operations. However, Sophie soon discovers the hidden cameras and confronts JJ. In an effort to keep his mission a secret, JJ is blackmailed by Sophie into teaching her how to become a spy. Sophie, who is a tech-savvy and resourceful 9-year-old, quickly proves to be a challenge for JJ to keep up with.

As JJ spends more time with Sophie, his tough exterior begins to soften, and he develops a bond with her and her mother. But when Sophie's life is put in danger by the terrorists JJ was originally sent to apprehend, he must use his spy skills to save her and her family. Along the way, JJ learns the importance of family and the true meaning of being a hero.

The movie features Dave Bautista as JJ, Chloe Coleman as Sophie, Parisa Fitz-Henley as Kate, Kristen Schaal as Bobbi, and Ken Jeong as David Kim, a CIA competitor of JJ's. The film received mixed reviews upon its release but was praised for its entertaining action sequences and the chemistry between Bautista and Coleman.

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