My Sister's Keeper, based on Jodi Picoult's novel of the same name, follows the story of the Fitzgerald family. Sara and Brian Fitzgerald have two children, Jesse and Kate. However, from a young age, Kate is diagnosed with leukemia, and her health deteriorates rapidly. Sara and Brian decide to conceive another child, Anna, who is meant to be a perfect genetic match for Kate and can help save her sister's life.

Anna is raised to donate her blood, bone marrow, and even organs so that Kate can survive. However, when Anna turns 11, she decides to sue her parents for medical emancipation - the right to make her own medical decisions - as she can no longer bear the physical and emotional toll of being a constant donor to her sister. Anna's decision opens up a bitter and contentious legal battle within the family, with each member forced to confront their own motives and feelings.

As the story unfolds, flashbacks reveal the complexity of the relationships between the family members, including Kate's own complicated feelings about Anna. The film touches on themes of medical ethics, family dynamics, love, and grief as the Fitzgeralds struggle to come to terms with Kate's illness and Anna's right to make her own decisions.

The film stars Cameron Diaz as Sara, Jason Patric as Brian, Abigail Breslin as Anna, and Sofia Vassilieva as Kate. My Sister's Keeper received mixed reviews from critics but was praised for its performances and emotional impact.

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