My Name Is Bruce is a horror comedy film released in 2007, written by Mark Verheiden and directed by Bruce Campbell. The plot revolves around the story of Bruce Campbell, who plays himself in the film. The story is set in a small town in Oregon, where a group of teenagers discovers an ancient Chinese demon and decides to summon it as a joke.

However, things go wrong when the demon turns out to be real, and starts terrorizing the town. The townspeople, mistaking Bruce for his character Ash from the Evil Dead trilogy, come to him for help. Initially, Bruce is convinced that this is all part of an elaborate shtick and is excited to play the hero to impress the locals.

However, he soon realizes that this is all too real, and he must fight the demon to save the town. The film is a comedic take on the horror genre and features plenty of nods to the Evil Dead series. Bruce Campbell is the standout star, playing an exaggerated version of himself as he navigates the ridiculous situation he has found himself in.

The film boasts a range of off-beat characters, from a gun-toting elderly woman to a wannabe actor with a terrible fake British accent. The comedy is over-the-top, but never veers into outright slapstick, and the horror-movie elements are well-executed. My Name Is Bruce is a fun and entertaining film that horror fans and Bruce Campbell fans are sure to enjoy.

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