My Little Pony: A New Generation is a 2021 computer-animated musical film. The story takes place in a future version of Equestria where the Mane 6 are no longer around and the ponies have become divided into species-specific cities, separated by a large wall. The Earth Ponies, Pegasi, and Unicorns are separated and are forbidden from interacting with each other.

Sunny, a young Earth Pony, dreams of a united Equestria and is determined to find a way to bring the three species together. She sets out on a journey with her new Unicorn friend, Izzy, to locate a fabled item called the "Horn of Harmony," which they hope will bring back the lost magic of friendship and unite their world once again.

Along the way, they encounter a group of fiercely independent Pegasi who don't believe in the power of friendship or the existence of the Horn. As they journey to find the Horn, they must also confront a mysterious force that threatens to destroy Equestria forever.

With the help of their newfound friends, Sunny and Izzy work to restore harmony and save Equestria from those who seek to divide it. The movie features new songs, familiar characters, and a heartwarming message about the power of friendship and unity.

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