My Little Eye is a psychological horror thriller movie released in 2002 and directed by Marc Evans. The story follows five young adults from different parts of the world who respond to an online ad looking for individuals willing to live in a remote house in the wilderness for six months with a grand prize of $1 million.

The group, made up of Matt, Emma, Rex, Charlie, and Jennifer, enter the house equipped with everything they need to survive for the duration of their stay. The only unexpected aspect of the living conditions is the constant surveillance from numerous cameras placed throughout the house, including their bedrooms and bathrooms.

Initially, the group seems to get along well, but as they become more isolated and the cameras capture their interactions, the mood shifts. Tensions rise as secrets of each character are revealed, and strange occurrences begin to happen around the house- including a mysterious figure and a strange recording.

As the days pass, the participants begin to unravel, and paranoia sets in. The creepiness and suspense of the movie reach a climax when the group realizes that they are part of a sick and twisted game, and they may not make it out alive.

As the movie progresses, viewers are left to question what is real, who can be trusted, and what lies beyond the camera's gaze.

Overall, My Little Eye is a chilling psychological horror thriller that capitalizes on the fear of isolation, surveillance, and human nature.

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