My Boss, My Teacher is a 2006 South Korean action-comedy film directed by Kim Dong-won. The film follows the story of Gangster Gang-gu (played by Jung Jun-ho), who is given an ultimatum by his boss: complete college and become an ethics teacher, or lose his job. Gang-gu complies and enrolls in college, where he meets his classmate, Da-ran (played by Jung Woon-taek), who eventually becomes his love interest.

Gang-gu struggles to adjust to college life, but with the help of Da-ran, he manages to pass his exams and graduate. He then starts working as an ethics teacher at a local high school, where he encounters students who are dealing with different challenges and problems. Gang-gu, who was once a notorious thug, now uses his experiences to teach the students valuable life lessons about ethics and honesty.

However, Gang-gu's past eventually catches up with him when his former boss is murdered and he becomes the prime suspect. Gang-gu must use his newfound wisdom and problem-solving skills to clear his name and protect his students.

The film features an ensemble cast that includes Kim Sang-joong, Kim Sang-ho, and Lim Won-hee. My Boss, My Teacher became a box office success in South Korea and was recognized for its humor, action, and heartwarming message.

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