The story follows a group of friends who decide to take their shy friend Beth on a trip to a secluded nude beach for a wild weekend. However, little do they know, the beach is home to mysterious mutant creatures that are known to cause hallucinations in anyone who comes into contact with them.

Upon arrival, the friends encounter a mysterious woman who seems to have some control over the mutants and is chanting spells to keep them at bay. However, when one of the friends accidentally disturbs the mutants, they go on a rampage and attack the group.

As chaos ensues, Beth realizes that the mutants are soul-stealing creatures that have been unleashed from hell and are wreaking havoc on the beach. She devises a risky plan to send the mutants back to hell forever, using her knowledge of the mutants' weaknesses and the help of the mysterious woman.

The group must band together to execute Beth's plan, facing off against the mutants in a thrilling and dangerous battle. Along the way, they discover the true nature of the mutants and the secrets of the beach, ultimately leading to a climactic showdown with the creatures.

Mutants of Nature Cove is a gripping and suspenseful thriller that combines elements of horror, fantasy, and adventure as the friends fight to survive and protect their souls from the clutches of the mutants.

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