Mutant Girls Squad is a Japanese action-horror film directed by three of Japan's most prolific filmmakers: Noboru Iguchi, Tak Sakaguchi, and Yoshihiro Nishimura. The film revolves around Rin, a teenage girl who is born with the ability to sprout blades from her body. After discovering her abilities, Rin is targeted by both the government and a group of mutants who want to recruit her.

The film explores the themes of identity, acceptance, and discrimination through the lens of the mutant characters. Rin struggles with accepting and controlling her powers, while also facing discrimination from her human peers. The mutants, on the other hand, are oppressed by the government and seen as a threat to society.

The film features over-the-top action sequences and gore, a staple of Japanese splatter films. The mutant girls are portrayed as powerful and capable fighters, using their unique abilities to take on their enemies.

Mutant Girls Squad received mixed reviews from critics, with some praising its fun, campy nature and others criticizing its excessive violence and lack of narrative coherence. Despite this, the film has gained a cult following among fans of Japanese splatter films and fans of the genre.

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