Mutant Blast is a Portuguese horror-comedy film released in 2018 and directed by Fernando Alle. The movie stars Maria Leite as the protagonist, and Pedro Barão Dias and João Vilas, among others.

The film begins in a post-apocalyptic world where a group of scientists has caused a zombie outbreak. Maria, a fearless and skilled soldier, is fighting against this army of the undead when she meets TS-347, a man with superhuman strength. The two decide to join forces and escape from the military cell that is responsible for the catastrophe.

During their attempted escape, the duo meets Pedro, a man with few ambitions and a terrible hangover, who ends up joining their mission. Together, the three characters face countless challenges, including the zombie horde and the brutal soldiers that are hunting them down.

As the trio journeys to a safer place, they encounter a supernatural creature that can only be defeated with a nuclear bomb. The team is forced to make a difficult decision: sacrifice themselves and save humanity, or risk everything for their own survival.

Overall, Mutant Blast is a gory and action-packed horror-comedy that combines the best elements of both genres. With its well-executed action sequences, witty humor, and interesting plot, the movie is a fun and entertaining ride for fans of zombie and post-apocalyptic films.

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