Music Box is a legal drama film released in 1989, directed by Costa-Gavras and starring Jessica Lange and Armin Mueller-Stahl. The story revolves around Ann Talbot (Jessica Lange), a successful lawyer in Chicago. She is approached by her father, Hungarian immigrant Michael Laszlo (Armin Mueller-Stahl), who is accused of being a war criminal responsible for the murders of Jewish civilians during World War II.

Ann initially believes in her father's innocence, but as she investigates the case, she discovers that her father's past is more complicated than she had anticipated. She also learns that her father's defense is being funded by a shadowy organization with links to a government conspiracy involving a number of high-ranking officials.

As Ann delves deeper into the case, she becomes conflicted about whether she is doing the right thing by defending her father, who may have committed heinous war crimes. However, she refuses to abandon her family and instead embarks on a journey to uncover the truth behind her father's past and the dark forces that seek to keep it hidden.

The film is a poignant exploration of family, loyalty, and the horrors of war. Jessica Lange delivers a powerful performance as a woman struggling to reconcile her love for her father with the atrocities he may have committed. Meanwhile, Armin Mueller-Stahl delivers a heartbreaking portrayal of a man caught in the crosshairs of a complicated and painful past. Overall, Music Box is a thought-provoking and emotionally resonant film that lingers long after the credits have rolled.

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